Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Moms Need Excerise Too!

Most moms put their kids first. They are worried about taking care of their kids and somehow forget to take care of themselves. However, it's important to take time for yourself so that you can take care of your family. Your kids will see the healthy example you set for them and want to be healthy too. I understand that it can be a hassle to find a babysitter, get out of the house, or just find time to exercise, so here are some ideas to get some physical activity while still living your busy life. Involve your kids. Stretch together. Lift and twirl them. Jump rope together. Run with a jogging stroller, while older kids ride their bikes. Play tag. Walk or ride bikes with kids to and from school. Buy home weights. Get an exercise ball. Dance. Do Yoga. If you feel you have to go to a gym to work out try trading babysitting with a friend. She could watch your kids why your at the gym and you could watch her kids why she goes to the gym. There are so many things you can do to be active in your day to day life... but there are even more excuses. Don't use them. Make your health a priority and your family will benefit also.

Fruit and Veggie Fun

Getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day can be difficult and overwhelming. Have you ever considered making it a family affair? Getting you kids involved? Try picking a new fruit or vegetable to try every week or month. Have your family help you pick it out and find creative ways to prepare it. This is a fun way to stay healthy and receive the many benefits that fruits and vegetables have to offer. If your family doesn't love fruits and vegetables don't be afraid to sneak them into your favorite family meals, simply cut up some broccoli and slip it into the pasta sauces, etc. But one thing is for sure you'll never know you like it if you don't try it. Need some recipe ideas to include fruits and vegetables into you family's diet, try the CDC's recipe search. Click on the fruit or veggie of your choice and what type of food you want and in seconds you have a delicious meal, side dish, or dessert with all the nutritional information included!

Ideas from Real Moms

I spent the past weekend with a few moms, all of which have very healthy families. I thought it would be a good idea to get a few ideas from them on things they do to keep them, their spouses, and their kids healthy. Here are a few of their suggestions.
- Rather than pushing their kids in the strollers to the park they have them walk or ride their bikes/trikes.
-They walk to the park for healthy picnics.
-It's easier to get their kids to ride bikes or play outside when they do it with them.
-During the winter they take their kids to the community rec center, Kangaroo Zoo, etc. to make sure their kids are still being active.
-They cook healthy meals on the grill with their husbands while playing with their kids in the yard (throwing a football, etc).
-They do yard work with their kids.
-Have family contest (pull-ups, push-ups, etc.)
-When its cold outside they also like to turn on some music and dance!
For more family activity ideas visit the LDS Family Activity Website or Moms Buzz.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hobby Happiness

Need something to bring your family together? Need an excuse to have a conversation with your children? Are you having trouble finding things to do as a family? Need to relieve some family stress?Have you ever thought of creating a family hobby? Developing a hobby that all members of your family can enjoy is a great way to bond and have fun at the same time. Spending time with your children in a casual, relaxed setting will help form lasting friendships and trust, qualities that will come in handy down the road when tough decisions need to be addressed. In these difficult financial times a family hobby may seem expensive and overwhelming... but it doesn't need to be. The possibilities are endless. Need more ideas? Try creating a family garden or mountain biking together. Or maybe your family would enjoy photography or scrap booking. If these ideas don't sound fitting try combining the interests of the individuals in your family to create a new hobby. For example, if your daughter likes cooking and your son likes photography you could create a cook book together by having your daughter make her favorite recipes and your son photographing them and together you can compile and design the cook book. Don't give up. Be creative. Find a hobby that fits your family and stick to it. Talk about it. Laugh. The benefits will be worth it.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Health Files: Family meals

Monday, March 23, 2009

ABCs of Raising Safe and Healthy Kids

Want a comprehensive, easy to understand guide to raising healthy and safe kids? The CDC provides exactly that. For more information on any of these tips or to the see the original document click here.


Alcohol-Free Pregnancy

Alcohol consumed during pregnancy can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). There is no safe amount of alcohol a woman can drink while pregnant. Therefore, it is recommended that women abstain from drinking alcohol at any time during pregnancy.


Back to Sleep

Always place your baby on his or her back to sleep, even for naps. This is the safest sleep position for a healthy baby to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Babies placed on their stomachs to sleep are much more likely to die of SIDS than babies placed on their backs to sleep.

Bicycle Helmets

Unfortunately, only about one-quarter of children ages 5 to 14 wear helmets when riding bicycles. The percentage of teen cyclists who wear helmets is close to zero. If every bicycle rider wore a helmet, that action alone would prevent an estimated 150 deaths and another 100,000 nonfatal head injuries each year. Bicycle helmets reduce the risk of serious head injury by as much as 85% and the risk of brain injury by as much as 88%. Helmets have also been shown to reduce the risk of injury to the upper and mid-face by 65%.


Breastfeeding is the ideal method of feeding and nurturing infants. Breast milk is the most complete form of nutrition for infants. Breastfeeding protects an infant from a wide array of infectious and noninfectious diseases. Breastfeeding improves maternal health by reducing postpartum bleeding and may lower the risk of premenopausal breast cancer and ovarian cancer.


Compliment Your Kids

Compliment your kids when they do something good. This may encourage good behavior and keep the communication lines open. Involved parents appears to be a protective factor against the lure of tobacco.

Concussion in Youth Sports

A concussion is a brain injury. Concussions are caused by a bump or blow to the head. Even a “ding” or what seems to be a mild bump or blow to the head can be serious. You can’t see a concussion. Signs and symptoms of concussion can show up right after the injury or may not appear or be noticed until days or weeks after the injury. If your child reports any symptoms of concussion or if you notice the symptoms yourself, seek medical attention right away.

Cover Up

Covering up to protect the skin from the sun can lower the risk for sunburn and skin cancer. To protect your kids from too much sun exposure, be sure they wear a hat, shades, and sunscreen; seek shade; and cover up. A few serious sunburns can increase your child’s risk of skin cancer later in life. Covering up can also help prevent mosquito bites and West Nile Virus, which is usually spread from the bite of an infected mosquito.

Cover up unused electrical outlets to prevent kids from getting a shock (or worse) if they stick their finger or object in the outlet. Safety plugs should be inserted in unused outlets when toddlers are in the home. Make sure all outlets in the home have face plates.


Dental Health

Dental decay is one of the most common chronic infectious diseases among U.S. children. This preventable health problem begins early: 17% of children aged 2-4 years have already had decay. By the age of 8, approximately 52% of children have experienced decay, and by the age of 17, dental decay affects 78% of children. Children and adults who are at low risk of dental decay can stay cavity-free through frequent exposure to small amounts of fluoride. This is best gained by drinking fluoridated water and using a fluoride toothpaste twice daily. Children and adults at high risk of dental decay may benefit from using additional fluoride products, including dietary supplements (for children who do not have adequate levels of fluoride in their drinking water), mouth rinses, and professionally applied gels and varnishes.



Exercise (physical activity) helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles, and joints; control weight; build lean muscle; lower fat; prevent or delay the development of high blood pressure; and lower blood pressure in some adolescents with hypertension.

It is recommended that children and adolescents participate in at least 60 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity most, preferably all, days of the week.


Folic Acid

Insufficient folic acid (a B vitamin) in pregnant women can lead to spina bifida (spine defects) and anencephaly (brain defects) in infants. All women who could possibly become pregnant should take a vitamin with folic acid every day. Take 400 micrograms of folic acid daily both before pregnancy and during the first few months of pregnancy to reduce the risk of birth defects of the brain and spine.


Growth and Development

Do you know all the ways you should measure your child’s growth? We naturally think of height and weight, but from birth to 5 years, your child should reach milestones in how he plays, learns, speaks and acts.

Pediatric growth charts have been used by pediatricians, nurses, and parents to track the growth of infants, children, and adolescents in the United States since 1977. The 1977 growth charts were developed as a tool for health professionals to determine if the growth of a child is adequate. Measurements include height, weight, and head size (2 years of age and younger). Growth charts are tools that contribute to forming an overall clinical impression for the child being measured.



The most important thing that you and your kids can do to help keep from getting sick is to wash hands, especially after coughing and sneezing, before preparing foods or eating, and after using the restroom. By washing your hands often, you wash away germs that you have picked up from other people, from contaminated surfaces, or from animals and animal waste. Everyone should wash their hands for 20 seconds (about the length of a little tune) to remove germs. It is the soap combined with the scrubbing action that helps dislodge and remove germs. Rinse well and dry your hands. It is estimated that one out of three people do not wash their hands after using the restroom.


Install and Maintain Smoke Alarms

Install smoke alarms on every floor of your home, including the basement. Be sure to place smoke alarms near rooms where people sleep. Test all of your smoke alarms every month to ensure they work properly.


Job Safety

Make sure young workers are trained properly to perform tasks, and supervise them appropriately. Injuries, sometimes fatal, can result at home, on the job, and elsewhere.


Know Your Child’s Risks and Family History

Know if you or your child is at risk for certain conditions or diseases because of family history, medical history, environmental concerns, or other issues. Collect and record your family history and talk to your health care provider if there are conditions or diseases that may place you or your child at risk. Take steps to lower risk where appropriate.

Remove triggers that may cause asthma or other health problems. Triggers include smoke, dust mites, cockroaches, pets, and mold.


Learn More About Your Child’s Life

Get to know your children's friends, interests, and hobbies. Learn if any of them are placing your children at higher risk for injuries or bad habits. Get involved in your children's lives and talk to them about making positive, healthy choices. Spend time together having fun and doing healthy things.


Motor Vehicle Safety

Nearly half of children under age 5 who were killed in motor vehicle crashes were riding unrestrained. Child safety seats lower the risk of death by about 70% for infants and by about 55% for toddlers ages one to four. If restraint use among motor vehicle occupants ages five years and older increased to 100%, an additional 9,000 lives would be saved and 160,000 nonfatal injuries would be prevented each year.


Nutritious Food

Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may lower the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Fruits and vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals, fiber, and other substances that are important for good health. Most fruits and vegetables are filling and naturally low in fat and calories. Leave the high-fat, high-sugar snack foods at the store. Serve child-sized portions.


Other Caregivers

Ensure that others caring for your child (including family, friends, neighbors, day care, and schools) have your contact information, know what to do in case of an emergency, and have appropriate policies in place to handle problems. Determine if caregivers are screened and provided training.


Passenger Safety

Motor vehicle injuries are the greatest public health problem facing children today. In fact, they are the leading cause of death among them.

Pedestrian Safety

Set limits on when and where your children walk and cross streets. Take the time to teach your kids about street safety, including crossing at corners, what traffic light colors mean, obeying traffic signals, and watching for cars. Adult supervision is important.


Pets provide many benefits to humans. They comfort us and give us companionship. However, some animals can also pass diseases to people. Infants and children less than five years old are more likely than most people to get diseases from animals. This is because young children often touch surfaces that may be contaminated with animal feces (stool), and young children like to put their hands in their mouths. Young children are less likely than others to wash their hands well. Children should wash their hands thoroughly with running water and soap after contact with animals. Adults should supervise children while they are washing their hands.

Plan Ahead for Emergencies

Post the poison control number 1-800-222-1222 on or near every home telephone. Keep poisons and other hazardous substances away from children and pets.

Have a plan, and practice what to do before weather emergencies strike. Knowing what to do can help protect you and your family.

Prenatal Care

Through prenatal care, health problems can be prevented, identified and treated early, or closely monitored. Persons with certain conditions or diseases can receive specialized care, which may
lower the risk in the fetus or newborn of developing similar or other problems.

Protective Eyewear

Although eye protectors cannot eliminate the risk of injury, appropriate eye protectors have been found to lower the risk of significant eye injury by at least 90% when fitted properly.


Quit Smoking

Half of all adult smokers have quit, and you can too. There are millions of people alive today who have learned to face life without a cigarette. Quitting smoking is the best step you can take for a healthier life.


Recreation and Sports Safety

Fireworks are exciting, but leave them to trained professionals.

Swimming can be fun. But certain precautions should be taken to protect your children and other swimmers from getting sick. Don’t let your children swim if they have diarrhea. Don’t swallow the pool water. Wash hands.

Supervise your children on playgrounds. Check the safety of playground equipment before you children play on them.

Girls who play sports have higher levels of self-esteem, lower levels of depression, more positive body image, and higher states of psychological well being than girls and women who do not play sports.


Safety Checks

Store all medicines, household products, personal care products, and other dangerous substances in locked cabinets that are out of reach of small children.

Perform a home safety check, and remove things that pose a tripping hazard. Secure banisters and handrails at all stairwells. Use safety gates at the bottom and top of stairs when young children are around.


Take a Break

Take a break from a situation if you feel yourself losing control. Ask a friend or relative to watch your children for a little while. Offer to help other parents so they can take a break.


Talk to your kids about being healthy and staying safe. This includes discussions on tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sexual abuse, and other subjects. Today’s young people are bombarded with persuasive messages about tobacco and alcohol – messages that make smoking look normal and drinking look cool. Learning to understand and analyze these messages from every kind of media outlet is important.


When traveling with kids outside the United States, know vaccination recommendations, breastfeeding recommendations, and food and water precautions.


Use Antibiotics Wisely

Use antibiotics only when your health care provider has determined that they are likely to be effective. Children are of particular concern because they have the highest rates of antibiotic use. They also have the highest rate of infections caused by antibiotic-resistant pathogens.

Antibiotic resistance occurs when bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics. These resistant bacteria survive and multiply - causing more harm, such as a longer illness, more doctor visits, and a need for more expensive antibiotics. Resistant bacteria may even cause death.

Parent pressure makes a difference. For pediatric care, a recent study showed that doctors prescribe antibiotics 65% of the time if they perceive parents expect them; and 12% of the time if they feel parents do not expect them. Parents should not demand antibiotics when a health care provider has determined they are not needed. Parents should talk with their health care provider about antibiotic resistance.



In the U.S., vaccines have reduced or eliminated many infectious diseases that once routinely killed or harmed infants, children, and adults. However, the viruses and bacteria that cause vaccine-preventable disease and death still exist and can be passed on to people who are not protected by vaccines. Vaccine-preventable diseases have many social and economic costs: sick children miss school and can cause parents to lose time from work. These diseases also result in doctor's visits, hospitalizations, and even premature deaths. It's important to keep vaccinations up-to-date.


Watch Your Kids

It only takes a second for small children to get into something they shouldn’t get into. To prevent injury, be aware of common causes of injury in the home, at school, and on the move.


eXplain the Facts of Life

Talking about the birds and bees is important. Also, talk to your kids about some of the issues we don’t often want to talk about, such as violence, abuse, what’s inappropriate, and what to do if something happens.


Yearly Exams and Screenings

When they are less than a year old, babies should usually be seen by a health care professional every few months for routine exams, vaccinations, and screenings. Around one year of age, children may be seen every six months to yearly. Some children may need to be seen more often and others less often. Ask your health care provider how often your child should be seen.



Make sure you and your family gets plenty of sleep (ZZZZs). If you are rested, then you are in better shape to deal with the joys and challenges of raising safe and healthy kids and teens!

Spring is Coming: Get Out and Play

It's warming up out there. You know what that means. It's time to play... with your family that is! Planning outdoor family activities will not only get you and your kids moving, help you burn calories, but will create a stronger family bond. Throwing a football, hiking, playing hide and seek, or simply playing tag are great ways to get the heart pumping and create lasting family memories. Being active as a family has no rules and no limits. There are not guidelines. Be creative. Walk to the park together after dinner. Ride bikes when you usually drive. Roll down hills (yes, you too). Make relay races in the back yard. Create your own soccer goal and play soccer together. The options are endless. However, if your having a hard time thinking of activities your family can enjoy together, don't give up! Need more ideas? Here are a couple of websites with great family activity ideas. Kaboose. Family Activities Ideas. If these ideas don't seem to fit your family or your surroundings, ask your friends, search the web, or simply observe what families around you are doing that look fun. Make family activity a priority in your life. The benefits not only will improve your health but will increase your family togetherness.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Healthy Families Introduction

Did you know that spending time with your family can actually make you healthier? Enjoying various activities with your family can not only improve your physical health but can also improve your emotional, mental, and social health. Finding activities every member of your family will enjoy can be difficult, but in the end will benefit relationships and well being. Family time should be creative, fun, and active. Life can be busy and hectic and quality family time can easily be procrastinated. By making family health a priority, families will see benefits in all aspects of their lives.