Need something to bring your family together? Need an excuse to have a conversation with your children? Are you having trouble finding things to do as a family? Need to relieve some family stress?Have you ever thought of creating a family hobby? Developing a hobby that all members of your family can enjoy is a great way to bond and have fun at the same time. Spending time with your children in a casual, relaxed setting will help form lasting friendships and trust, qualities that will come in handy down the road when tough decisions need to be addressed. In these difficult financial times a family hobby may seem expensive and overwhelming... but it doesn't need to be. The possibilities are endless. Need more ideas? Try creating a family garden or mountain biking together. Or maybe your family would enjoy photography or scrap booking. If these ideas don't sound fitting try combining the interests of the individuals in your family to create a new hobby. For example, if your daughter likes cooking and your son likes photography you could create a cook book together by having your daughter make her favorite recipes and your son photographing them and together you can compile and design the cook book. Don't give up. Be creative. Find a hobby that fits your family and stick to it. Talk about it. Laugh. The benefits will be worth it.
Ironically enough, one of the most vivid things I learned in my family finance class last semester was on this very topic, not budgeting. Dr. I emphasised the importance of having family activities that require you all to work together. Even activities that are not necessarily "fun" are beneficial because they link you together in a special way as you rely on one another and workk towards a goal. I cannot really do justice to his thoughts, but I am a really big advocate for solid family activities!